Betel Leaves

Betel Leaves

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5g - $ 3.99

10g - $ 4.19

25g - $ 6.99

50g - $ 9.99

100g - $ 13.99

250g - $ 24.99

500g - $ 43.99

1kg - $ 76.99

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Betel leaves, commonly known as "paan" in many cultures, have been used for centuries for their medicinal and cultural significance. These heart-shaped leaves come from the betel vine and are often chewed with various ingredients, such as areca nut, slaked lime, and sometimes tobacco or spices. In traditional medicine, betel leaves are believed to have properties that aid digestion, freshen breath, and provide a mild stimulant effect. However, it's important to note that excessive betel leaf consumption, especially with added ingredients like tobacco, can pose health risks, including oral cancer and addiction.